Scripture Reading - Hebrews 10:24-25

24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. KJV

As Christians we are suppose to “consider one another” when thinking about God’s Love. This consideration of love is the motive for doing good works. Not good works to be saved or to give us special favor with God. The good works we perform are solely because we love God and His overflowing love abounds toward all people in this earth. This thought about “one another” is what provokes (stirs us, calls to action, incites, stimulates) the believer to help “one another”. Remember showing “good works” to someone is another way of saying that you “blessed” someone. Good works can range from a simple smile to bring someone healing through the Awesome Name of Jesus. Good works are typically distributed through a dual combination of your personality and resources used to present the Love of God to someone else through God’s Grace. It is never all you and very rarely is it totally done by God apart from man. Remember, if God was doing this good deed all by Himself we would never need provocation. The fact that the Lord is allowing us to minister to “one another” as His representative is an honor all by itself. The Lord is the heart, brains and power of the operation while we get to be the hands and mouth to pronounce the blessing (good work). This is the reason verse 25 can not be overlooked because we are the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ needs every part just like the body of any natural person is completely health when all it’s parts are working together properly. Isolation of certain members should never be a problem in the Body of Christ. However, we do find that some (according to verse 25) feel it is not necessary to come together into a church. This is common in our society where many people would rather watch a Pastor on TV (or internet) than to come together and serve “one another” in the church. Hence the term “exhort one another” is used to encourage our fellow brethren to love “one another” in deed. This is much larger than coming together to hear a great sermon. It is coming together to promote and perform good works. So remember beloved child of God “consider one another” when thinking of God’s Love and “exhort one another” when you do come together in one of the Lord’s churches. Knowing that it is not all about your own desires but rather the demonstration of God’s good works because we love “one another”. Amen!